Non-violent communication
Do you sometimes find yourself in discussions you do not want to be part of? Do you find yourself reacting strongly and wondering why that may be so? Do you wish you had more clarity as to what your real needs are? And last but not least: are you interested in understanding yourself and the people around you better and thus resolving conflicts peacefully? If you have answered the questions with a "yes", you may be interested in getting to know non-violent communication by Marshall Rosenberg. Next to valuable input the trainer provides the participants with varied exercises in order for them to experience non-violent communication both as a reflection model and means for self-confident and responsible action.
Kursnr.: X107A265
Beginn: Fr., 11.07.2025, 18:00 - 21:00 Uhr
Dauer: 2
Kursort: vhs, Cäcilienstr. 54, Raum 14
Gebühr: 70,00 €
Cäcilienstr. 54
74072 Heilbronn
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